Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework – Part 1: Why?

Artificial Intelligence Harmonia Philosophica Ethics Framework: A series of articles that try to formulate a new ethics framework for Artificial Intelligence based on the principles promoted by Harmonia Philosophica. The goal is to create a set of major principles that computers should follow in the new post-humanity era. Artificial Intelligence is a monumental development of … Continue reading “Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework – Part 1: Why?”

Abstract thoughts…

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have leveraged machine learning to interpret human brain scans, allowing the team to uncover the regions of the brain behind how abstract concepts, like justice, ethics and consciousness, form. In this study, Just and his team scanned the brains of nine participants using a functional MRI. The team sifted through … Continue reading “Abstract thoughts…”

Understanding morality.

Moral judgment is a tricky subject. For example, most people would agree that lying is immoral. However, most people would also agree that lying to Nazis about the location of Jewish families would be moral. New research sheds light on how people decide whether behavior is moral or immoral. The findings could serve as a … Continue reading “Understanding morality.”

Ethics, Robots, Free will…

Can there be ethics without free will? The sister-site Harmonia Philosophica @ Blogger provides some insight… Check out “Philosophy Wire: Ethics without free will… No ethics at all…“. Somehow making our new robots obey orders doesn’t sound like a good idea. Obeying orders was the foundation of the deepest evil even known to mankind…

Dialogi Aeterni

Goal: The goal of Dialogi Aeterni (Eternal Dialogues) is to provide the notion of irrationality as the solution to all problems of to-days philosophy. Multiple parallel stories unfold, giving light to various facets of the problems of the human intellect. Surreal and symbolic stories about ethics (Project D), about the place of Earth and humans … Continue reading “Dialogi Aeterni”

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