Biggest extinction, revenge of the microbes, “evolution”…


Scientists believe, according to a new study, that a humble microbe, instead of a devastating meteorite or a catastrophic volcanic eruption, wiped off over 90 percent of the species on Earth (including my favorite trilobites) 251-million-years ago. [source 1=”<a” href=”; 2=”target="_blank">web” 3=”news</a>” language=”:”][/source] Well, if a microbe is the reason for the extinction of “more evolved” species, what does that say about the Theory of… “Evolution” ?!? No matter how well we think of things, microbes and bacteria will always be the champions of survival ready to test the limits of our theories…

Related article: Evolution and Intelligent Design – The way to an agreement

Depardieu, France, taxes, successful governments…

Gérard Depardieu has said he is handing back his French passport and social security card, lambasting the French government for punishing “success, creation, talent” in his homeland.

A popular and colourful figure in France, the 63-year-old actor is the latest wealthy Frenchman to seek shelter outside his native country by buying a house just over the border in Belgium in response to tax increases by the Socialist president, François Hollande.

How much taxes must someone pay to be considered a “patriot”?

How much taxes must someone pay before he becomes poor?

How much taxes must a government ask before it is considered a failed one?

Someone once said that “the best government is the one which deems itself useless”. Well, judging by the 75% taxes required by the French government, I would say it is not such a “successful” government after all…

Against porn ban. Against political correctness.

UK ministers have rejected plans to automatically block internet access to pornography on all computers, saying the move is not widely supported. [1]

The legislation not passing now is purely coincidental. When they feel that enough voters support it, they will vote for it.

Our society accepts lousy aesthetic, movies with violence and drugs, the existence of sites where one can find out how to make bombs, scientists creating hybrids of humans and animals, research centers killing human embryos for research, people being left homeless, people starving next to people with billions, parents not caring for their children, people getting married for money et cetera…

But we cannot accept porn sites.

No. This is “too much” for our hypocritic “agenda”…

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