Month: February 2016

  • Mindful meditation: Not the solution…

    A new wave of research on meditation shows that mindfulness-based treatments can effectively treat everything from depression to autoimmune disease to post-traumatic stress order. But mindfulness can also help the nearly 24 million Americans struggling with drug and alcohol addiction to find lasting recovery, according to some experts. [1] The practice of Mindfulness involves being…

  • True Happiness. True Wealth. (Attention: Boring post. But important.)

    “I’m quitting Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr,” Essena O’Neil wrote in a final post. “Deleted over 2,000 photos here today that served no real purpose other than self-promotion. Without realizing, I’ve spent majority of my teenage life being addicted to social media, social approval, social status and my physical appearance.” Before deleting her account, O’Neil edited…

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