Alchemy. Soul. Growth. Consciousness on the rise…

Alchemy is the science of multiplication and is based upon the natural phenomenon of growth. “Nothing from nothing comes”, is an extremely ancient adage. Alchemy is not the process of making something from nothing; it is the process of increasing and improving that which already exists. If a philosopher were to state that a living man could be made from a stone, the unenlightened would probably exclaim, “Impossible!” Thus would they reveal their ignorance, for to the wise it is known that in every stone is the seed of man. A philosopher might declare that a universe could be made out of a man, but the foolish would regard this as an impossibility, not realizing that a man is a seed from which a universe may be brought forth.

God is the “within” and the “without” of all things. The Supreme One manifests Himself through growth, which is an urge from within outward, a struggle for expression and manifestation. There is no greater miracle in the growing and multiplication of gold by the alchemist than in a tiny mustard seed producing a bush many thousands of times the size of the seed.

Alchemy teaches that God is in everything; that He is One Universal Spirit, manifesting through an infinity of forms. God is the spiritual seed planted in the dark earth (the material universe). Wisdom may be imparted to an ignorant person (but not a stupid person – seeds do not grow in infertile soil), however ignorant he may be. (1)

Consciousness is on the rise everywhere on Earth and not only among humans. (Look here for a high order example among Orangutans. And crows have been observed doing some pretty impressive stuff too (look here for more)

Is consciousness a property of the world?

Or could it be a skill building up?

We used to be unconscious.

And slowly we are all learning to be conscious.

We used to Be.

Now we just live…

[idea from a post of Graham Hancock]

Light. Data. Universe.

The internet is often called the “World Wide Web,” but it’s not actually accessible to residents of a large portion of the world. Today, four billion people are offline, and 1.6 billion of them live in sparsely populated areas around the world. In recent years, a race to solve that problem has emerged among big tech companies like Google, SpaceX and Facebook. Now, Facebook has published research on an unconventional solution: using light to wirelessly transmit internet signals.

Most internet signals today are transmitted at high rates through wired optical fiber networks — which require expensive infrastructure — or at lower rates through wireless radio frequencies, which are limited in bandwidth, subject to regulations and vulnerable to interception.

In a paper published in Optica, researchers from’s Connectivity Lab have outlined a new type of light detector that can be used for free-space optical communication, a communication technique that uses light to send data wirelessly. (1)

Data through light.

Look around.

At the sunlight. The grass. The shiny spoon. The TV. The floor. The cat. The door. The small airplane above. The car passing by.

Light is all around you. The story of the cosmos.

Light. From the beginning of time, it has always been there. Transmitted, generated, affected by every single moment of existence.

The story of aeons is here.

The story of the cosmos – past, present and future alike – is before you. Your eyes see it. But your mind is unwilling to watch.


A car passed by.


The cosmos was just created!

Reach the clouds.

Colossal clouds cloak the surface of Venus, making it difficult for researchers to probe its secrets. One way astronomers have peered through the haze is with the European Space Agency’s Venus Express satellite, which orbited the veiled planet from 2006 until 2014. Data collected by the craft revealed how features on the surface, like mountains, can influence weather patterns many miles above.

“We now have good evidence of a connection between the surface and what we see in the atmosphere that was never clear before”, said Håkan Svedhem, project scientist for the E.S.A.’s Venus Express mission. (1)

Look at the sky.

You cannot reach the clouds.

Look again.

You can reach the clouds.

As above, so below…


The time is near,

When you will forget everything

The time is near,

When everybody will forget you…

But it matters not. Because you Are. And you will forever Be.

Ephemeral. Eternal.

Like a leaf blown by the wind…

Κοντεύει ο καιρός

που θα τα ξεχάσεις όλα˙

κοντεύει ο καιρός

που θα σε ξεχάσουν όλοι.

People. Religion. Atheism. Meaning.

A people without religion will at the end find out that it has nothing to live for [T.S. Eliot, 1939]

No, people do not live for religion.

No, people do not need religion.

No, Christ did not talk about religion.

It is just that religion is a philosophical system of beliefs which entails all those things that we should care about. All those things that give meaning to our life. Atheist people today believe that we live because we… live. Meaningless tautologies guide their existence. But there is something higher inside us. There is something higher in our lives. There is something more in our dasein than just lifeless matter wandering around.

Stop believing in nothingness. Stop having pointless philosophical dogmas – like materialism – as your religion. Believe in yourself. Make this belief your religion. Not because you have to or because someone tells you so. But because you feel like it. Because something tells you this is right. Because you KNOW you are more than just some pounds of meat.

In an empty lifeless world, we are life.

In an empty dark cosmos, we are the light.

We may decide to glow bright, or fade away.

As simple as that.

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