Staying awake. Sleeping more. Not understanding. Knowing everything…

Photo by Spiros Kakos from Pexels

New Michigan State University research suggested babies who are less active get less sleep, something new parents may want to consider when looking for possible solutions for the long, sleepless nights. Napping doesn’t help either. In fact, babies who slept less at night, yet napped more during the day, still weren’t able to get as much sleep overall as those who slept more at night. Plus, the tired tots weighed significantly more based on their length, indicating a potential risk for early onset obesity. (1)

In the beginning there was One.

And this is now broken.

Only those who remember that simple truth can see that there is nothing to see.

The universe is full of opposites.

And everything needs its opposite to be complete.

This is not a question to be answered.

But the answer which produces all questions.

Humans try to answer questions and understand things. But every new answer adds more questions, simply because from the beginning we have started travelling in the wrong direction. Our need to understand does not stem from the existence of questions to be answered, but from our resistance in accepting the fact that there are no questions in the first place.

There is no positive and negative charge, there are only particles.

There is no staying awake or sleeping, there is only living.

There is no living or dying, there is just being.

Stay awake more. And you will sleep more.

Do things. And you will need not to do anything.

Live a more intense life. And you will welcome death.

Ask more questions and provide more answers.

And you will get to know the value of doing neither…

For there is no knowing or not-knowing.

There is just…

Well, I’ll just stop there.

Only because I want to continue…

Author: skakos

Spiros Kakos is a thinker located in Greece. He has been Chief Editor of Harmonia Philosophica since its inception. In the past he has worked as a senior technical advisor for many years. In his free time he develops software solutions and contributes to the open source community. He has also worked as a phD researcher in the Advanced Materials sector related to the PCB industry. He likes reading and writting, not only philosophy but also in general. He believes that science and religion are two sides of the same coin and is profoundly interested in Religion and Science philosophy. His philosophical work is mainly concentrated on an effort to free thinking of "logic" and reconcile all philosophical opinions under the umbrella of the "One" that Parmenides - one of the first thinkers - visualized. The "Harmonia Philosophica" articles program is the tool that will accomplish that. Life's purpose is to be defeated by greater things. And the most important things in life are illogical. We must fight the dogmatic belief in "logic" if we are to stay humans... Credo quia absurdum!

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