Category: Music

  • Eternal sounds…

    Eternal sounds…

    Antonio De Lorenzi takes a seat onstage in the concert hall of Museo del Violino in Cremona, Italy, and carefully tucks a Stradivarius (a violi crafted in 1727 and called Vesuvio) under his chin. Through an earpiece, the ­soloist hears a metronomic beat as a voice says, “Go.” De Lorenzi draws his bow across the…

  • Listening to music. Humans. Apes.

    Listening to music. Humans. Apes.

    In the eternal search for understanding what makes us human, scientists found that our brains are more sensitive to pitch, the harmonic sounds we hear when listening to music, than our evolutionary relative the macaque monkey. The study, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, highlights the promise of Sound Health, a joint…

  • Stop listening to the music…

    Stop listening to the music…

    How listening to music ‘significantly impairs’ creativity: The popular view that music enhances creativity has been challenged by researchers who say it has the oppositeeffect. Psychologists investigated the impact of background music on performance by presenting people with verbal insight problems that are believed to tap creativity. They found that background music ‘significantly impaired’ people’s…

  • Art for… Science? How sad…

    Art for… Science? How sad…

    Arias for the Anthropocene? In a new opera inspired by environmental catastrophe, the Anthropocene is not just the geological epoch that bears our grubby fingerprints; it is also the name of an Arctic research ship that becomes trapped in ice and uncovers a mystery. Reviewer Patrick Goymer, chief editor of Nature Ecology & Evolution, lauds…

  • Move… Think… Dance…

    Move… Think… Dance…

    Boys with good motor skills are better problem-solvers than their less skillful peers, a study shows. In contrast to previous studies, the researchers found no association between aerobic fitness or overweight and obesity with cognitive function in boys. (1) Moving into the dark forest. Perceiving. But do you move in order to perceive? Or do…

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