Fitness. Change. Stupid mirrors…

There’s a paradox within the theory of evolution: The life forms that exist today are here because they were able to change when past environments disappeared. Yet, organisms evolve to fit into specific environmental niches.

How do these mechanisms co-exist? A research tried to answer that question.

There are two general possible solutions. First, the mechanisms that enable organisms to fit well into their current environment and the mechanisms that enable change in adaptations are distinct — the latter are suppressed as organisms fit better and better into their current setting and activated only when the environment changes. The second is that the mechanisms that make organisms fit into current environments are themselves modified during evolution. Ultimately, the first scenario was supported by the researchers’ work. (1)


But to what? To the environment?


For what purpose? To survive?

(Simple questions)

What are we seeking? Why do we seek it?

(Stupid questions)

Should life triumph? Should life simply die?

(Irrational questions)

Is it a dark cosmos filled with bright specks of life?

Or a bright cosmos filled with dark specks of life?

Should death triumph? Should death simply live?

Stop questioning.

Look again.

In a world of mirrors, there is no reflection.

Just life switching to death.

Only death switching to life.

In a world of reflections, there are no mirrors…

Changing brain…

A new study offers evidence that the brain’s inferotemporal cortex, which is specialized to perform object recognition, has been repurposed for a key component of reading called orthographic processing – the ability to recognize written letters and words. (1)

As we change, our brain changes.

As our brain changes, we change.

A constant battle leading to the only outcome possible.

At the end all things that change will keep on changing.

But if that is so, from where did they all start changing from?

If everything changes forever, where did it all start from?

As we change, our brain changes.

As our brain changes, we do.

An everlasting dance leading to the only solution possible.

Everybody stops dancing at the end.

Because nobody started in the first place…

Read now.

It is the only way.

To forget…

That you cannot recognize yourself…

Cooperation. Because of… cooperation?!

In nature, organisms often support each other in order to gain an advantage. However, this kind of cooperation contradicts the theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin: Why would organisms invest valuable resources to help others? Instead, they should rather use them for themselves, in order to win the evolutionary competition with other species. A study led by Prof. Dr. Christian Kost from the Department of Ecology at the Osnabrueck University solved this puzzle.

The research team led by Prof. Dr. Christian Kost used bacteria as a model system to study the evolution of mutual cooperation. In the study the researchers saw that in large cell groups, cooperative mutants were rewarded. The more resources they invested in the growth of other cells, the more nutrients they received in return from their partners. (1)

Cooperation for… cooperation.

Solving the problems that would not exist without the cooperation in the first place.

That is why people marry.

To solve issues they would never face without them being married.

That is why we ask questions.

To get answers we would never care about without the questions in the first place.

That is why we live in this cosmos.

To find out the meaning of life which would be null if we never existed.

This is what the universe is about.

Full of things that exist.

Only because they wouldn’t if they did not…

Full of humans that Are.

Only because you still hold my hand…

Let go.

Watch the cosmos explode.

And in the midst of chaos…


Why did I ever wanted to hold your hand in the first place?

What is Existence? Submit your article for publication!

Life goes by, like sand castles under the dark sky…

What am I thinking?

I know nothing, yet I know I am me.

I question everything.

And yet I believe something can Be.

I seek everything.

Because I have faith in what I can see.

What is Existence?

Can my limited mind touch Being?

Harmonia Philosophica calls for ideas! We are seeking innovative fresh ideas that could offer new perspectives on one of the oldest questions of philosophy: What is existence?

Philosophical background not necessary; to be honest not having such a background can only be a plus since you will be free of dogmas that run for centuries regarding what we “know”.

Each article must be at least 500 words in length. No other limitation exists. Please state explicitly your name and whether you wish your name to be published along with the article. If you wish you may select a pseudonym as writer name.

The goal is to gather ideas and foster dialogue on one of the most difficult but fundamental questions of humanity.

All submitted articles will be published.

Send your articles at

Language of articles must be English.

Deadline for submission: June 30, 2024.

Articles will be published by July 30, 2024 in the Harmonia Philosophica portal.

Important Notes

  • Harmonia Philosophica retains the right to not publish articles that are clearly offensive or out of topic.
  • Articles with authors that wish to retain their anonymity but without a pseudonym defined, will be published with ‘Anonymous’ as writer name.

Primitive. Simple. Advanced. Complex.

Scientists have developed a new approach for generating layered, difficult-to-combine, heterostructured solids (materials composed of layers of dissimilar building blocks), opening new avenues for electronic and energy applications. The technique for making them is simple, and counterintuitive — it involves smashing the pristine materials to build new ones. Smashing things together by milling seems like the least plausible way to achieve atomic ordering, but it’s turned out to be more successful than the scientists themselves imagined. (1)

Primitive methods. Brilliant methods.

Is there any difference?

All things that work share a simple common trait: They work.

And anything working seems simple. Like anything we know that seems redundant. In the same way anything existing seeming obvious. That is the meaning of progress anyway. To take things from the dark and bring them into light. To take things that seem complex and make them simple. To take things that do not work and make them work.

At the end everything will work.

But take a minute and think.

Everything work from the beginning. And the only thing that made us want to fix them was our inability to see that. Look at those heterostructured solids. Now that you can make them they look so simple. At the end everything will look simple.

At the end everything will be One.

Could there be anything more complex than that?

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