Diseases. Symptoms. Analysis. Over-analysis…

File-Tricorder 2366

Ten finalists have been chosen in a $10m (£6m) competition to develop a real-life “tricorder” – the medical scanner used in the Star Trek series.

The Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize, launched last year, challenges anyone to develop a wireless device capable of detecting a range of diseases.

The technology employs sensors and imaging to measure vital signs and diagnose conditions non-invasively. (1)

We like to analyze things. But we are whole. And when balance is lost, one cannot blame just one thing.

Choose to give 10$ million to over analyze symptoms.
Or choose to see what is in front of your eyes for free…

It is your choice.

Make it count.

Mother making the ultimate sacrifice. Seneca. Decisions.

A young California mother made the ultimate sacrifice for her newborn daughter when she refused lifesaving treatment for bone cancer.

Ashley Bridges was 10 weeks pregnant when she learned of her diagnosis. Although doctors recommended she start chemotherapy immediately, it would have required her to terminate her pregnancy. “There’s no way I could kill a healthy baby because I’m sick”, Bridges told CBS2’s Kristine Lazar.

During her third trimester, at eight months, Bridges was told that delaying treatment had allowed the cancer to spread. “That’s basically when they told me that it was terminal”, she said.

Her fiance, who is in the military, takes the night shift. None of them has second-guessed her decision. “She’s a real-life superhero, to be honest with you”, said Jessica, Bridges’ sister. Bridges, too, has no regrets. “Maybe I’m not supposed to be here and she is”, Bridges said of Paisley. (1)

There are people killing their babies because they feel their well-being is more precious. (see Down Syndrome cases)

But there are people ready to literally give their lives for the lives of their babies.

Seneca was once arrested.

His students started crying as the guards took him away.

He looked at them.

“Where is your philosophy?”, he asked calmly.

Let’s pray we all have the right answer to that question when the time comes…

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