1+2+3+… = -1/12 !? Or… “Why infinity does not exist!”


Srinivasa Ramanujan presented two derivations of “1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … = −1/12” in chapter 8 of his first notebook. The simpler, less rigorous derivation proceeds in two steps, as follows.

The first key insight is that the series of positive numbers 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + · · ·can be transformed to the alternating series 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · ·. The latter series is also divergent, but it is much easier to work with; there are several classical methods that assign it a value, which have been explored since the 18th century.
In order to transform the series 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + · · · into 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · ·, one can subtract 4 from the second term, 8 from the fourth term, 12 from the sixth term, and so on. The total amount to be subtracted is 4 + 8 + 12 + 16 + · · ·, which is 4 times the original series.
These relationships can be expressed with a bit of algebra.

Whatever the “sum” of the series might be, call it c = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + …
Then multiply this equation by 4 and subtract the second equation from the first:

The second key insight is that the alternating series 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · · is the formal power series expansion of the function 1/(1 + x)2 with 1 substituted for x.

So it seems that -3c = 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · · = 1/4. Now make another small calculation and voila!

It seems as if c = 1+2+3+4+… = -1/12! (1)

But can this really be true?
Can the sum of POSITIVE numbers equal a negative one?
Can the sum of INTEGERS be a fractional number?

We tend to rely too much on assumptions.
The whole science is based on assumptions.
And when we rely too much on them, we tend to forget they even exist.

Watch closely.
See the “proof” more carefully once more…

Srinivasa Ramanujan presented two derivations of “1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ⋯ = −1/12” in chapter 8 of his first notebook. The simpler, less rigorous derivation proceeds in two steps, as follows.

The FIRST key insight is that “infinity” exists.

The SECOND key insight is that the series of positive numbers 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + · · · (we CAN put these dots because of the first assumption) can be transformed to the alternating series 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · ·. The latter series is also divergent, but it is much easier to work with; there are several classical methods that assign it a value, which have been explored since the 18th century.
In order to transform the series 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + · · · into 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · ·, one can subtract 4 from the second term, 8 from the fourth term, 12 from the sixth term, and so on. The total amount to be subtracted is 4 + 8 + 12 + 16 + · · ·, which is 4 times the original series.
These relationships can be expressed with a bit of algebra.

Whatever the “sum” of the series might be, call it c = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + …
Then multiply this equation by 4 and subtract the second equation from the first:

The second key insight is that the alternating series 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · · is the formal power series expansion of the function 1/(1 + x)2 with 1 substituted for x.

So it seems that -3c = 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + · · · = 1/4. Now make another small calculation and voila!

It seems as if c = 1+2+3+4+… = -1/12!
But this result is not logical!
So the same process could be actually proof that infinity does not exist!


What is that infinity which we all seek?
What is that infinity to which we all pray?
What made us think about it in a finite cosmos?

Are we humans thinking as Gods?
Or Gods thinking as humans?

Seek the finite.
And you will see the infinity staring back at you…

Maths, genes, anxiety, silence.

A new study of math anxiety shows how some people may be at greater risk to fear math not only because of negative experiences, but also because of genetic risks related to both general anxiety and math skills. The results don’t mean that math anxiety can be blamed solely or even mostly on genetic factors, the researchers emphasized. In this study, genetic factors explained about 40 percent of the individual differences in math anxiety. (1)

So this could also mean the reverse: that love for maths is attributed to genetic factors as well.

Who decides which of the two if best?
Who decides that maths are to be loved?
Who decides if this are the eyes through which we should look at the world?

Is love for maths natural? Or unnatural?
Believing in any of the two is weird…

Perhaps that is why Pythagoras used silence…

Mathematics, Babel, 数学!

A Kazakh mathematician’s claim to have solved a problem worth a million dollars is proving hard to evaluate – in part because it is not written in English. (1)

Mukhtarbay Otelbayev of the Eurasian National University in Astana, Kazakhstan, says he has proved the Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness problem, which concerns equations that are used to model fluids – from airflow over a plane’s wing to the crashing of a tsunami. The equations work, but there is no proof that solutions exist for all possible situations, and won’t sometimes “blow up”, producing unrealistic answers. In 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute, now in Providence, Rhode Island, named this one of seven Millennium Prize problems offering $1 million to anyone who could devise a proof.

Otelbayev claims to have done just that in a paper published in the Mathematical Journal, also based in Kazakhstan. “I worked on the problem on and off, for 30 years,” he told New Scientist, in Russian – he does not speak English. However, the combination of the Russian text and the specialist knowledge needed to understand the Navier-Stokes equations means the international mathematical community, which usually communicates in English is having difficulty evaluating it. You see although mathematics is expressed through universal symbols, mathematics papers also contain large amounts of explanatory text.

We are so much bound to our language that we cannot even read mathematics written by another person. Treasures are hidden next to our own eyes and yet we are unable to grasp them.

Mathematics huh?

Universal language huh?

Not anymore!

1 + 1 = 2 only if I explain you why…

In English…

Leibnitz, Polynesia, potatoes.

Polynesian islanders spoke the language of computers centuries before the first programmer was born. It seems that inhabitants of Mangareva island in French Polynesia created their own particular hybrid of decimal and binary number systems to do mental arithmetic. (1)

Binary or decimal, one thing is for sure. We have the need to measure. We inherently have the ability to measure. But… what? Surely not potatoes and oranges. Surely not ROI and stock prices. It is something else…

Can we measure the immeasurable? Can we count the uncountable? Could it be that all arithmetic systems should end and start at the only common thing they share? The Monad? 1!

(-1) times (-1) does not equal 1?

Why a negative times a negative should be a positive? (1) Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? Take a look at the following string of equations:

–1 × 3 = –3

–1 × 2 = –2

–1 × 1 = –1

–1 × 0 = 0

–1 × –1 = ?

Now look at the numbers on the far right and notice their orderly progression:

–3, –2, –1, 0, ?

At each step, we’re adding 1 to the number before it. So wouldn’t you agree the next number should logically be 1?

That’s one argument for why (–1) × (–1) = 1. The appeal of this definition is that it preserves the rules of ordinary arithmetic; what works for positive numbers also works for negative numbers.

But if you’re a hard-boiled pragmatist, you may be wondering if these abstractions have any parallels in the real world. Admittedly, life sometimes seems to play by different rules. In conventional morality, two wrongs don’t make a right. Likewise, double negatives don’t always amount to positives; they can make negatives more intense, as in “I can’t get no satisfaction.” (Actually, languages can be very tricky in this respect. The eminent linguistic philosopher J. L. Austin of Oxford once gave a lecture in which he asserted that there are many languages in which a double negative makes a positive, but none in which a double positive makes a negative — to which the Columbia philosopher Sidney Morgenbesser, sitting in the audience, sarcastically replied, “Yeah, yeah”)

Logic can be illogical.

We just accept what others say and move one…

Two illogical steps make up a logical one. Right? Right?

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