Standing still to go forward…

opportunity route

Nearly a decade after it landed on Mars, NASA’s Opportunity rover is about to get a fresh start. Opportunity’s engineers plan to reformat its flash memory, which is good news, as the rover’s mission has been renewed for another two years, Nature News reports. (1)

The more we move on, the more we forget where we came from.
But what is better than truly knowing who you are?

Stand still, if you wish to move forward…

Stay ignorant if you wish to truly know the truth.

Kythera & Harmonia Philosophica

It may be so that Kythera (Gr. Κύθηρα) are known as the place where the Harmonia Philosophica thesis was first formulated (see Harmonia Philosophica). However Kythera are also the best… hmmm I mean the WORST place in the world. You should NEVER go there. You should NEVER visit it! (you see, I must admit that I really need the place untouched as it is now, without the hordes of tourists that storm in other islands)

Well, I think this is it. If a picture is a thousand words, then I have written too much… Live your life.

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