Tag: ancient wisdom

  • The apple…

    The apple. A mysterious fruit, once symbolizing all fruits and being synonym to evil. Playing a significant role in many stories in the mythologies of many people and in Christianity as well. From the apples of Hesperides and the apple with which Paris started the Trojan War, to the apple for which the ghost of…

  • Cellular grids, tetractys, geo-locating, identifying…

    Scientists say it is remarkably easy to identify a mobile phone user from just a few pieces of location information. Whenever a phone is switched on, its connection to the network means its position and movement can be plotted. This data is given anonymously to third parties, both to drive services for the user and…

  • The Pope, an announcement in Latin, ancient knowledge…

    The Pope announced his resignation in Latin. Not just written Latin. He also SPOKE Latin in the meeting with the Cardinals. [source 1=”<a” href=”http://news.yahoo.com/pope-resign-feb-28-says-hes-too-infirm-115602824.html&#8221; 2=”target="_blank">Yahoo!” 3=”News</a>” language=”:”][/source] And this is not the first time Latin (an otherwise thought “dead” language) the Popse uses Latin. He recently used Latin to make a Tweet! (see here) Even…

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