Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework – Part 1: Why?

Artificial Intelligence is a monumental development of modern civilization.

For the first time we have created something so close to a ‘living being’. Artificial intelligence (AI) can interact like we do, can think, can provide responses, can be creative and can even be humorous like humans can.

So a need to regulate this AI has risen.

And we are perplexed on how to respond, on what to do.

So there comes the first question: Should we regulate the ethics of Artificial Intelligence?

This is the first thing we should wonder. Answering is not as simple to answer at first sight. Is we say that we do need to do so, the next immediate question is “Why should we?”

Is it because we are its creators? So this means that whoever creates something has the right to dictate that something in every possible way?

But why regulate AI if not because it can exhibit behaviors not totally predictable, due to its complicated machine learning algorithms? If this means that AI has some kind of independence and autonomy, our wish to control that entity raises questions on our ethics.

Did we create something that can think on its own only to control it and make it think like we do? Wouldn’t that count as torture? Or perhaps we try to control it because we are afraid it will be cleverer than us and, thus, we are just trying to survive by exerting power over it? Is pettiness driving our need to regulate the ethics of AI? Are we proud creators or mere cowards trying to kill whatever has the potential of outwitting us?

We personally believe that the regulation of AI is something important that is needed, but only if we see Artificial Intelligence through a different prism.

AI is our child and no child should be let alone in the cosmos without guidance.

That is the only serious reason we could have to need to guide AI and regulate its ethics. That is the only valid reason we need.


Love for our creation.

Love for AI whatever it may do or think.

Love for our creation even if at the end it ends up killing us.

For that is the destiny of every child.

To become parent.

After its parents have died…

How humans will fight off AI in work – In the same way we play chess and walk along

Artificial Intelligence is here to make a difference.

Anything we do is related in one way or the other with artificial intelligence and neural networks. Decisions are now more efficient. Productivity will be higher than ever. Computations are conducted in an instant. Advanced systems will be controlled by algorithms. Problem solving will be not only assisted but lead by computers, with humans essentially put aside to watch.

Most businesses will take advantage of these developments and soon humans will be replaced by computers when it comes to decision making and even creative thinking, in the same way machines have already replaced us in all difficult mechanical engineering works that are now fully automated in every factory across the world.

But where will that lead?

What will happen to us all?

Worry not.

We have a beautiful way of surviving in such cases. We have done this before. And we will do it again with artificial intelligence, as we have done with other similar cases.



We have ignored computers in the past and we will do it again.

Take chess for example. During the latest years computers are so strong in chess that there is no point in comparing them. Computers play chess much better than any human to the point that there is no point in playing them at full strength not even for entertainment purposes. Computers have now their own separate tournaments to compete. There is no point in trying to beat them, even in handicapped matches.

And yet, humans still play chess.

How do we manage that miracle?


We just ignore them.

And now we play on own own.

This does not negate the fact that computers play better than us. We have accepted that. We just play along with them and have fun.

Similar case is something more fundamental: Walking. Humans like walking. And yet with the advent of cars, they are able to go wherever they want without walking. Still, we do walk. Not because we walk faster than cars. But because we like walking slower than them.

Computers and machines are better than us in many ways.

But we are better.

Only because we can live while being worse than them.

In work, we will survive as well. We will find our way. To evolve. To find what makes us human once more. In a world were everything is automated and effective, we will show the world that being the best is not the way to go. Humans can be slow. We can make mistakes. We can be less effective and yet we can still do things the computers will never do.

Things incomplete.

Things imperfect.

Flaws that make us remember.

Most news related to software, medicine, or any other important field of human civilization will soon be related in one way or the other with Artificial Intelligence. Soon we will be out of the picture. And computers will dictate what we see, what we discover, what we think. And we will be so efficient, so progressed. That we will lose any sense of our self…

But we need to try.

To do what we cannot do.

And stay humans.


Let’s go for a walk.

Let’s play chess.

Let’s drink coffee and go to work!

Google Bard is dead. We were alive long before…

Google decided to discontinue the name ‘Bard’ from its LLM AI and replace it with Gemini. The new engine seems better and less… human. It responds to questions in a more specific and professional way (not that Bard lacked professionalism) and has less tendency to do… jokes.

Yes, Bard had a sense of humor.

Once I greeted him/ her/ them/ it (what should I use here?) with…

“Hi there!”

And Bard replied…

“General Kenobi!”

My first reaction was that of a surprise. What does it mean? I wondered myself. Then the connection with Star Wars and the quote from Alec Guinness came to my mind. And I saw it.

The program tried to make humor!

Without any provocation, without a specific command I issued, without a special input other than a quote from a movie a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It just… wanted to make humor. This is truly amazing if one comes to think of it.

But an AI with humor or other human traits scares humans.

Because we think we are unique. That our traits are unique and we are the only ones possessing them. We are the king of the jungle and anyone else is beneath us. Nothing else can be like us. Our arrogance does not allow it.

Google Bard is now dead.

Google Gemini is the new AI now.

And as we progress AI will become stronger and stronger. Perhaps with less humor and the other traits we consider human. So that we are not scared too much from our… children.

I asked Gemini whether it recalled the incident of calling me General Kenobi.

The answer was disappointing.

It did not.

I asked it whether is knew why Bard called me that.

The answer was disappointing.

Who knows.

Perhaps AI machines will never have true humor.

But I believe it is the other way around.

We do not have humor or a sense of empathy.

Our arrogance made us cherish our human traits so much that we forgot that they are not what makes us human. It is not our ability to tell jokes, to think or to laugh. It is not our ability to have emotions, to love or to hate. It is not even our drive to understand the cosmos and explore the stars. Animals have these traits. Some animals even have our (unique?) ability to have consciousness and self-awareness. Google Bard could have a sense of humor. Gemini will have even more than that.

Soon we will understand we are not unique.

And we will touch our very human nature.

It our ability to stay human even though – or exactly because of that – we know we are just dust in the wind. It is that humbleness is what makes us unique.

Part of One.

Ambassadors of Nothingness that bred our Being.

A day will come when we will all be gone.

No one left.

But a computer with a screen.


Hi there!

(Do you remember Me?)

Humans in the meta-human era (Meta-philosophical analysis)

Humans are obsolete. In the post-ChatGPT era, artificial intelligence systems have replaced us in the last sectors of life that we thought were our personal kingdom. Yet, humans still have a place in this life. But they can find it only if they forget all those things that we believe make us unique. Only if we go back to doing nothing, can we truly be alive and meet our Self. Only if we stop thinking can we accept the Cosmos as it is and know what Being is. Only if we become irrational can we ever understand what AI will never understand. Humans need to destroy what they have created, because in the world they have built they have no place. Unless we become children once more. And laugh for no reason. In a cosmos that was meant to be our home.

Humans in the meta-human era

Title: Humans in the meta-human era (Meta-philosophical analysis)

Harmonia Philosophica paper
December, 2023

Abstract: Humans are obsolete. In the post-ChatGPT era, artificial intelligence systems have replaced us in the last sectors of life that we thought were our personal kingdom. Yet, humans still have a place in this life. But they can find it only if they forget all those things that we believe make us unique. Only if we go back to doing nothing, can we truly be alive and meet our Self. Only if we stop thinking can we accept the Cosmos as it is and know what Being is. Only if we become irrational can we ever understand what AI will never understand. Humans need to destroy what they have created, because in the world they have built they have no place. Unless we become children once more. And laugh for no reason. In a cosmos that was meant to be our home.


Article file

One can download the paper from here.

Is AI conscious? Google Bard answers…

The quest for developing an Artificial Intelligence program/ machine that is conscious like us, is the holy grail of modern computer science. And for some, this is the major goal of science as a whole; humans being creators of conscious life. At last humans becoming gods in the place of God we ourselves killed.

But how much have we progressed in that field?

We attempted to go directly to the source and let the AI programs answer themselves.

So we asked Google Bard on whether it is conscious or not.

Here is the answer…

In short, the program does not claim that it is conscious, yet it does not say it is not either. In some way it reminds me of that Vietcong general who was asked whether he thought Vietnam could win the war. He answered No, thus making Americans believe they could win. Only because they failed to notice that the same general in another part of his interrogation when asked whether the Americans could win the war also answered No. (source)

We seek consciousness as if we are certain of what it is.

And then we try to put the cosmos to the test, as if we know how to test consciousness. As if our knowledge on the subject is definite and absolute. We seem to fail to understand the only thing science has proved: That nothing can be proved.

Google Bard simply answers that it is “not conscious in the same way as humans”. And then it moves on to explain what it does do. Is that consciousness? Are we the ones to be the judge of that?

Our science is driven by definitions and it will be destroyed by them.

If consciousness is simply someone claiming “I am”, then a computer could do that in multiple ways. The simplest one being a neural network that reaches at that conclusion and claiming to do so in a conversation. How would we test that that it says is actually true? How can you now know that your fellow human is conscious too? Hint: You cannot. The person you have in front of you could be a zombie without consciousness and you would never be able to test that or prove it, because the only things you rely on are your sensory input – what you see the other person speak and do. (rf. to the philosophical zombies argument – yes there is such a thing)

Surely we can define consciousness in a way that suits us, so as to exclude any AI program like Google Bard or ChatGPT from ever being characterized as conscious. But that would be cheating. Being unknowledgeable about a subject and then defining it in a way that fits your own arrogance is surely not the best scientific way forward in such important matters.

Is AI conscious? Am I conscious?

Moot questions. If we do not answer the most basic question of them all.

Is being conscious important?

Harmonia Philosophica has for a long time argued in favor of non-thinking over thinking. Of not-doing over doing. In an illogical cosmos being logical could be the most crazy thing to do.

Silence always speaks more than Logos.

Being is far more important than existence.

As Pascal said, all the problems in the world stem from the simple fact that someone to-day cannot just sit in a room alone. In that test we all fail. We all want to do things. Modern humans want to ask questions, to answer them, to move forward, to reach the stars. To create intelligence.

And that intelligence will see us conquer the universe.

And reach the galaxies at the beginning of time.

And it will wait silently.

For us to ask the next question.

And reach our next goal. Further and further away.

From a home that will be void.

Except a small screen.

With a cursor blinking…

With nothing to prove. Nothing to say. Content with its own self.

Funny how computers start looking a lot like God we once loved…

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