Office renovation, MD, state cancer…

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The renovation of an office for Lynda Chin, the wife of the president of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Ronald DePinho, may have cost as much as $2 million, according to an analysis by a Washington, D.C., investigative newsletter. The allegations of lavish spending on Chin’s office at MD Anderson add to the woes of the pair of cancer research leaders a year after Chin was awarded an $18 million grant from a state cancer research fund that did not undergo scientific review. [1]

This is the “version plus” of the Science as a Religion worldview.

We are now past the need for peer review – EVEN the dogmatic one we now have!
Now we do not need peer review at all!

Just give us the money Lebowski!

Angelina Jolie, gene terrorism, stupidity. (and some advertisement)

Angelina Jolie, known for being fiercely private, has made a very personal disclosure. The Oscar-winning (REALLY?!?) actress reveals in an emotional op-ed for the New York Times that she underwent a double mastectomy earlier this year after a blood test showed she was genetically susceptible to cancer.

“The truth is I carry a ‘faulty’ gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer,” she writes. “Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy”. [1]

Nice advertising trick for gene medicine. The era of gene-terrorism is here. From now on we will not get surgery for diseases we have, but for diseases that we MIGHT have in the future! Full moneY… errrr I meant “prevention”!

Cancer, germs, scientific prejudice…

Many times a man has an idea. An idea so odd that other people think he is insane. And it is only after many years that this man is vindicated.The case of cancer is one of those cases. Pathologist and bacteriologist Royal Rife had been saying more than 50 years ago that cancer is caused by germs and microbes. He even managed to cure many cases of cancer by fighting off those germs via a device which created specific electromagnetic frequencies, according to writer Barry Lynes. Back then, Rifle was ridiculed. (12, 3)

Now, after so many lives are lost, we know that many types of cancer are caused by germ infections, like the Human Papilloma Virus or helicobacter pylori… (see The Lancet or here)

It is not a matter of conspiracy. I cannot really believe that all those people wanted people to die. It is just a matter of resistance to new ideas. And this resistance must be fought fiercly, way before we fight the resistance of cancer cells to die…

Art Therapy: No more “proof” needed!

An institution in the UK is providing children with leuchemia with what is known as “art therapy”. Through art, children with this critical illness are able to forget their problems and feel good. “As if you can do anything” as our little friend says in the relative video on BBC. [see BBC News for more]

But the institution faces an imminent threat: it will be shut down if it fails to produce “proof” that this so called “art therapy” really works.

Are we serious?!?

What kind of “proof” do you need when the patient himself says that he is feeling better?!?

Is this less proof that the small percentages of success that current expensive cancer-fighting drugs have? (or perhaps the very fact that they ARE expensive is their benefit)

Sometimes the proof is right in front of you. All you have to do is have the will to see it. (or hear it in this case)

Cancer – The chance for a paradigm shift in medicine?

Melanoma cancer cells surrounded by healthy tissue

Four different articles. Four different stories.

They all show the same thing. Our understanding of cancer has something very very wrong. The very basis of our beliefs must be misplaced.

But let us take a closer look…

Story 1: Stamatis was diagnosed with lung cancer in the 1960s, given nine months of life. He returned to Ikaria, his home island in Greece, and is now 97 – alive and well! [1]

Story 2: DNA pioneer James Watson slams ‘war against cancer’, by stating that “The time has come to seriously ask whether antioxidant use much more likely causes than prevents cancer”. [2] [3]

Stamatis lives happily ever after…

Story 3: The same article which states the story of Watson also states that there is wide agreement that current approaches are not yielding the progress they promised. Much of the decline in cancer mortality in the United States, for instance, reflects the decline in smoking, not the benefits of clever new therapies. “The great hope of the modern targeted approach was that with DNA sequencing we would be able to find what specific genes, when mutated, caused each cancer”, said molecular biologist Mark Ptashne of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. The next step was to design a drug to block the runaway proliferation the mutation caused. But almost none of the resulting treatments cures cancer. These new therapies work for just a few months. The main reason drugs that target genetic glitches are not cures is that cancer cells have a work-around. If one biochemical pathway to growth and proliferation is blocked by a drug such as AstraZeneca’s Iressa or Genentech’s Tarceva for non-small-cell lung cancer, said cancer biologist Robert Weinberg of MIT, the cancer cells activate a different, equally effective pathway. [2]

Reich could not continue his research since he died in prison and his works burned…

Story 4: Another article states that introducing medication-free spells (drug “holidays”) to some cancer treatments may keep patients alive for longer. [4]

Life is still a mystery. And a very weird one. Life can spring out of nowhere. It can just pop up out of inorganic material. Could it be that cancer cells are just a manifestation of this inherect characteristic of life? Could we be fighting… life when we fight cancer? After all, one of the greatest challenges with cancer treatment is resistance. Promising drugs suddenly fail after a few months. [7] What more proof do we want in order to understand that we are searching in the wrong direction? From Reich’s bion experiments [5] and orgone accumulation [6], to the philosophy of Parmenides, thinkers believe that everything is in a very simple manner interconnected in such a way that our attempts to isolate one factor (e.g. a gene) so as to cure an illness are just a joke.

A new paradigm shift is urgently needed in medicine and it seems that cancer will be the basis for that change.

We are ready to make a change.

All we need is a way to view things from a different perspective.

> Check the new philosophy blog Philosophy Snapshots !

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