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The first signs of Internet fragmentation are beginning to show, after the NSA hacks became public. (1)

Seeing the Internet as a way to communicate instead of just a means to facilitate communication is the first step towards miscommunication.

It may sound weird, but one thing ancient people had better than us was communication. Real actual communication.

Communication – especially human communication – is based on trust, not SSL.

New York Times, Internet, medium…

Staffers at the New York Times briefly walked out Monday afternoon in protest of the management’s position on contract negotiations. [1] Among others, the newspaper’s owners call for separate contracts for print and digital employees…

Yes, we live in the era of “appearances”…

Internet appears less… (what?) … so editors for the Internet edition of the paper must be paid…less?

Well, perhaps the even more amazing thing is not the fact that we look at appearances, but that we actually select (Internet does play the major role today, people DO recognize that reading a book on paper is more “serious business” than reading a web page) the thing which appears lesser in quality…

From oral speech and Socrates, to written books and Aristotle…

From written books and Wittgenstein, to Internet and… noone!



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