Conspiracies Manual (Against, stupid, conspiracies)

Who hasn’t heard of conspiracies about the coronavirus. It was built in a laboratory, the Chinese unleashed it at the Americans, the Americans threw it at the Chinese, it was used as a biological weapon, etc. And how many of us have not heard of conspiracy theories about the governments taking measures to restrict it in order to destroy their citizens, dismantle their own economies, level down their own businesses, etc.

All of these theories have some things in common that we can easily document. And so we will reach our own conspiracy. The conspiracy of stupidity.

1. Conspiracies are unproven: This is a key element of any conspiracy. If it turns out to be proved, then it’s boring. And it’s not worth discussing. This is what conspiracy theorists are looking for anyway: discussion, likes, comments. No, these would not even exist if what they were saying had been proved.

2. The conspiracy uses elements that are valid but outside the proper context. The invocation of data that is valid somewhere but not for the subject we are interested, the report of research that studies something similar but not what we are discussing, the use of analogies between irrelevant things, the selective use of parts of research, the selective projection of the opinion of some scientists but not of the myriad others who claim the opposite, these are just some of the tricks that conspiracy theorists use, willingly or unwillingly.

3. The conspiracy is related to the person who accepts it. How will the likes in Facebook be built? A serious conspiracy is being hatched against those who have “discovered” it, and so they can take on the role of the heroes, the victims, the persecuted. What’s better than one or more martyrs? So in the coronation conspiracy the clever conspiracy theorist has discovered the cunning plan of the world’s elite to “restrict” him and imprison him in his house to drink and eat comfortably. Because, of course, Soros and the Bildenberg Club had nothing else to do but think about limiting John Doe at Texas.

4. Conspiracy theories are popular. Contrary to the opening line of all conspiracy theorists “Warning – Anti-popular post follows”, conspiracies promoted by conspiracy theorists are very popular. If not at everyone, at least definitely in the inner circle of the conspiracy theorist. Because conspiracy theorists are not lonely geniuses fighting for the truth (there are many such geniuses and they are usually recognized after death) but simply spokesmen for the stupidity that is inherent in the collective unconscious. That is why, together with the conspiracy theorist, there are myriads of others who are also very smart and have discovered the conspiracy, in spite of the stupid elites who, although they control the planet, did not make sure that Emmie from Manhattan would grasp their cunning plan. And Jane from Ohio, of course. Because Jennifer from Cincinnati had told her, who had heard it from her best man…

5. The conspiracy is not refutable. No matter what happens, it will never be proven wrong. There are no facts that if they come to light will allow someone to decide whether it is valid or not. So is the coronavirus conspiracy: Conspiracy theorists talk about what would happen if the measures taken were not taken, after they are sure that we will never know in practice what would happen if there were no measures taken (since they were taken after all). And if one refers to what some models said about the deaths we would have without measures, the conspiracy theorists go to the unbeatable No. 2: using the studies and the views that suit them.

Does all of the above mean that there are no conspiracies? Of course not. There have been and there will always be conspiracies. But they are serious and not ridiculous. They are motivated and not set on quicksand. If one analyzes them, one can come to some serious arguments in favor of their existence – always acknowledging the serious possibility that he has made a mistake. And most importantly: these conspiracies are boring and don’t give much likes.


Who killed Kennedy?

Coronavirus: Selecting who will die. Playing God. Hubris. Punishment.

Many talk about the coronavirus. Many have opinions. Many theories. And one theory that is starting to gain a lot of followers is the one that England has decided to apply: Let’s sacrifice some to save others. Let the vulnerable groups and old men die and let the rest live. If we don’t do it, everyone will be destroyed. (1)

A very progressive view. A very advanced view. A very scientific point of view (yes, scientists were consulted on this decision – see more on herd immunity theories, impact analysis on the economy, etc).

A view – as cliché as it sounds – full of malice and evil. Malice for the fellow who dies. But what do I care for that? I will survive. Malice for those who will suffer. But what do I care about that? The economy will still be standing!

Religion has been saying it again and again but nobody wants to hear it: The biggest trick of the devil is to convince man that he does not exist. In the past, human life was priceless. Every man was a son of God. Now human life is measured in economic terms and sacrificed in front of the needs of the… fit for survival. Darwin would be very proud of England today, which puts into practice the Theory of Evolution in the most gruesome way.

But for Christianity, every human being is potentially God. We are all part of Him. And with proper preparation we can become one with Him. As Nietzsche had said, now man has killed God. And now we are just counting dollars and calculating cost-benefit differences. If the equation is solved, then it is easy for us to kill our grandfather and grandmother because this will save “businesses” or the “GDP”.

At the end, England’s policy may succeed and those who live may gain immunity and their economy potentially will not be destroyed. But it will be an economy built on death and blood. At the end, those most capable for survival may survive. But they will no longer be able to taste the fruits of their victory.

And when the noise subsides and the night comes…

The greatest punishment will not be from cries and vengeance…

But from the sweet gentle touch of your grandmother when she put you to sleep. And from the sweet goodnight she whispered to you…

Right before you killed her.

Update 2020-03-17: The UK government seems to be changing or reconsidering this policy. (source)

Coronavirus. Human arrogance. Death.

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS from Pexels

Just before the coronavirus outbreak in China, we all were reading great articles and scientific announcements about how science will soon beat even death and make us immortal…

Now we know that the giant we believed in had legs of clay. Now we are collectively trying to survive from a virus in the midst of a worldwide panic.

It is not possible to avoid defeats and mistakes.

But it is possible to be arrogant enough not to learn from them.

Oh, you arrogant men.

You want so much to live.

That you fail to see.

That the only way to be immortal.

Is to accept death…

Italy, coronavirus, saving the younger ones: Civilization dying.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, it is reported that in Italy there is a shortage in medical supplies and doctors are now making choices about who to save and who to leave unattended to die. There are reports that the selection doctors make are in favor of the younger ones. (Source)

If this is the case, then we are dealing with something worse than the death of some people. We are dealing with the death of civilization per se.

Because there is nothing worse than arrogance. Arrogance that man can ride at the level of God and play God’s role. Arrogance that someone can decide who lives and who dies.

It is such arrogance that made crimes as the Holocaust possible. Don’t be fooled. The devil always comes disguised as an angel.

Sure, there is logic in selecting the younger ones for survival. But a wrong logic altogether. What if that young person is someone terrible who commits crimes? What if the older person who is left to die is an honorable person who had devoted his life to saving others? What if that younger person you saved went on to rape children? What if that old person you killed was an experienced heart surgeon who was going to save the life of a prime minister who would in turn save the world from the next world war? What if that older person was you?

Any logic applied in selecting who lives and who dies, at the end, promotes death. Not life. Death of the ones not selected. Death of a civilization that once upon a time called for saving the weak not because they could survive, but especially because they couldn’t!

Look around.

And in the faces of the people you will not see men and women dying.

But a whole civilization crying…

PS 1. But what should we do? could someone still ask. Shouldn’t we decide something? The answer is simple and already given: we should do nothing! In the case of such life or death dilemmas men should not decide! We cannot play God. Treat people with a “first come first served” priority (and no, no two people arrive simultaneously, simultaneous events do not exist even in theoretical physics). So simple. So “irrational” with regards to our death-loving distorted logic. These dilemmas have been solved a long time ago in modern European law tradition. We are here not to play the role of fate. We are here to suffer it.

PS 2. Yes, you guessed correctly. There is no “trolley problem” as such. In such cases, one should not do anything, i.e. one should not try to play God. The solution to such infamous problems is that you try for the best, without playing the role of fate as we so much like to do these days…

About the Holy Communion & Excuses…

Photo by Spiros Kakos from Pexels

In light of the coronavirus, many talk about the need to shut down churches, socialize only on the Internet, banish Christianity (interesting how more massive gatherings of Muslim communities in Europe have not gained so fierce enemies…) and declare Science as our new religion. For that reason I feel compelled to simply point out the following.

1. Science is ALREADY our new religion. For centuries now. So don’t worry about this one. Nobody does anything unless they hear the priests bearing the name “scientist” today. And I mean no one. Even Hitler was listening to scientists when he conducted eugenics.

2. Yes we should be careful not to spread a virus if we are sick. This is not about science but about common sense. The kind of logic that all people have. I mean mainly those people who believe that the world exists because someone made it (and not by accident), those who do not believe in an infinite number of universes that exist simply because someone wrote it in a scientific paper. But let us not get carried away from the subject… The Archdiocese in the US has made an interesting and logical announcement I think for that matter, which you can find here.

3. Priorities: What is more important? To close the subway or stop the Holy Communion? Shut down buses and workplaces or stop Holy Communion? How many will get sick by commuting in the subway and how many by the Holy Communion? Why do we always get into church matters first and foremost? Is the Church really so powerful today? Are there so many believers?

4. Scientific data: Despite what many people believe, science is not clear on the matter. There are scientific researches which claim that Holy Communion does not transmit diseases. I hereby enclose a related scientific research which you can find here. As the research concludes: “In conclusion, there is experimental evidence suggesting that sharing a communion cup contaminates the wine and cup. However, there has never been a documented case of illness caused by sharing a chalice reported in the literature”. Let everyone decide on their own and on the data they have at hand, but let us stop tagging people who will go to Communion as “obscurantists” so easily.

5. Other information: At times, there were priests who used to associate with leper and people with tuberculosis, to which they offered communion as well. Nothing happened. (you can easily find those cases on Google yourself) And this is another scientific indication (for what else is science than extracting conclusions based on systematic observation) that things are not so dangerous as people believe they are. I am not saying to go or not go to religious practices during a pandemic. And even if you believe, you might be humanly afraid to go – let’s not forget that Peter himself denied Jesus out of fear. This decision you will make based on your doctor’s advice (or the guidelines issued by your government). I am saying however that things are not as black and white as atheists claim they are.

6. Mystery: And I am not even going into the metaphysical issues about what the mystery and what the Holy Communion really means, the body and blood of Christ, et cetera. If you do not believe in these things, leave them where they are. Others believe them. And not because they are stupid. But because they are not. And they like the philosophy a little bit. Ah, and because they do not stupidly believe that there is only matter in the universe.

But again, I get away from the issue at hand.

Maybe again, this is the issue!

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