Against politics.

So many people talking.

So many people shouting.

But the world was not created in noise.

Logos did not first appear with sound.

True philosophy can never be in favor of politics.

In a world where all speak their self, no one knows himself.

In a world full of thought, no one can understand the limitations of thought.

In a cosmos full of everything, no one can even consider that we all came from nothing.

The greatest Kings were always afraid of the crazy eremites of the desert…

Stand aside.

Seek silence.

And you will find wisdom…

Greek elections and the dangers of democracy

Aristotle once said that Democracy is different that Polity [source 1=”<a” href=”; 2=”target="_blank">Stanford” 3=”Philosophy</a>” language=”:”][/source]. In Polity (Gr. Πολιτειοκρατεία) the citizens have the power in their hands and use it to fulfill the goals of the state. However in Democracy (which is the “bad” version of Polity), citizens have the power in their hands and use it not to support the goals of the state but in order to support their own interests. The difference is chaotic. What we have in Greece remains to be seen…

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