GM research. Research goals. Research intuition…


China’s Ministry of Agriculture has decided not to renew biosafety certificates that allowed research groups to grow genetically modified (GM) rice and corn. The permits, to grow two varieties of GM rice and one transgenic corn strain, expired on 17 August. The reasoning behind the move is not clear, and it has raised questions about the future of related research in China. (1)

We seem to know where research should go.

We formulate our goals based on what we do not know.

And yet we feel so familiar with this course of action.

As if we know something…

Monsanto, free genes, lucky crops.

In a unanimous decision today, the U.S. Supreme Court backed the agribusiness firm Monsanto on its soybean patents. The justices concluded that an Indiana farmer, Vernon Hugh Bowman, violated the company’s intellectual property rights when he refused to pay royalties on unlabeled soybeans he bought that contained genes patented by the company.

The court ruled that Monsanto’s patents cover not just genetically engineered seeds distributed by Monsanto and its agents, but also seeds circulating in the environment that contain Monsanto’s genes. [1]

Go out. Select a seed randomly. And you will find Monsanto in it. Life is patented. You too will be patented soon. Life is not yours. US Supreme Court has decided for you.

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