Black holes. Magnetism. Fields.


A new study of supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies has found magnetic fields play an impressive role in the systems’ dynamics. In fact, in dozens of black holes surveyed, the magnetic field strength matched the force produced by the black holes’ powerful gravitational pull. (1)

Magnetic fields seem to be everywhere.

It reminds me of a “crazy scientist” no one believe in some time ago.

Look closely. Are magnetic fields there? Is gravity there? Or could it be that everything are just ideas dancing inside your brain?

The world is as it is. We only try to make sense of it. Empty your brain. The world is still there…

Physics constants not so constant. Unless you assume so…

Australian astronomers have combined all observations of supernovae ever made to determine that the strength of gravity has remained unchanged over the last nine billion years. (1)

But is this really the case?
How solid is such a conclusion?
Digging a little deeper makes things more clear…

The original paper can be found here.
The first thing we notice is the excessive use of key words like “assumption”, “assume”, “assumed” etc.
The paper (an every paper in science) is based on specific assumptions.

That is not something bad, unless you assume things which affect the thing you are supposed to investigate.
The researchers admit that “The validity of the SNIa standard candle depends on the stability of G and the stability of f, the fraction of the Chandrasekhar mass turned into energy. We have considered the former in this paper and derived a constraint on the gravitational fine structure constant […]” (!)

How can you take for granted the very thing you are supposed to investigate?
How can you analyze something without taking for granted anything?

Our assumptions will always be there to haunt us.
It would be unwise to hide them under the rag…
The wise choice will be to stare them in the face and choose them into oblivion.

See the world without assumptions, without prerequisites.
See the world as constant or ever changing.
Your assumptions matter not.

Cause reality, like fluid, can fill in any void.
In eternity, everything is constant and everything is changing.
In eternity everything is eternal, because they are ephemeral.
G or no G, Parmenides is written with P!

Hawking, black holes and how everyone is right!

In 1974, Stephen Hawking found that matter and energy can escape a black hole through what is now known as Hawking radiation. However, he contended that the radiation would be so scrambled that scientists could never work backwards to understand what fell into the black hole in the first place. This violates a basic piece of quantum theory, the idea that information cannot be destroyed.

In 2004, Hawking had a change of heart and admitted he was wrong about information loss. However, no one is quite sure how information could escape a black hole. Information radiating out of a black hole is not compatible with general relativity, and destroying information isn’t possible within the confines of quantum theory. So, who is right?

Well, I have the solution: Both are right!

And… well I will leave it to scientists to discover the rest!

After all, isn’t this how we formulate theories? Choose AT WILL our axioms and work our way from there… Right? Right!

Everyone is right! Harmonia is the key: Harmonia Philosophica.

Gravity waves, Universe, Poetry…

According to Einstein, we should expect to find this radiation everywhere in space. Gravity affects the shape of space and time. Paths of light and massive bodies curve under its influence. When something churns space-time with enough energy – say a supernova explosion or two black holes in orbit around each other – the distortion spreads out in ripples, like a rock dropped in a pond. Those ripples are called gravitational waves. [1]

Waves rippling through the universe. Affecting everything, binding us all together. Poets knew about that a long time before Einstein thought about it…

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