CAS, 了解, translation, 我…

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A translation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) caused an uproar. [1] Many rushed to think that the mere fact of the translation means that the CAS accepts the views in the papers translated.

Despite of how silly this sounds, the main issue here is that we have a text translated in a language none of us knows to read. Thus, no one can tell how correct the translation is.

Babel was not just another myth. It was us. Today.

Chimp vs. Human child grammar…

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania has shown that children as young as 2 understand basic grammar rules when they first learn to speak and are not simply imitating adults. The study also applied the same statistical analysis on data from one of the most famous animal language-acquisition experiments (Project Nim) and showed that Nim Chimpsky, a chimpanzee who was taught sign language over the course of many years, never grasped rules like those in a 2-year-old’s grammar. [1]

There goes the neighborhood…

Humans are similar to animals in many ways.

But what we many times fail to see, is how DIFFERENT we actually are…

Speak English? You will become poor!

A controversial theory from a Yale University behavioural economist, Keith Chen, claims that the language we speak affects our financial decision-making. [1]

The differences in the use of the notion of “time” can be important, even between languages which are similar (e.g. between European languages):

  • “If I wanted to explain to an English-speaking colleague why I can’t attend a meeting later today, I could not say ‘I go to a seminar’, English grammar would oblige me to say ‘I will go, am going, or have to go to a seminar’.
  • “If, on the other hand, I were speaking Mandarin, it would be quite natural for me to omit any marker of future time and say ‘I go listen seminar’ since the context leaves little room for misunderstanding,” says Prof Chen.
  • “In English you have to say ‘it will rain tomorrow’ while in German you can say ‘morgen regnet es’ – it rains tomorrow”.

According to the research, speakers of languages which only use the present tense when dealing with the future are likely to save more money than those who speak languages which require the use a future tense.

Language conveys ideas.

Ideas which subconsciously affect us without us knowing it.

Deciphering these effects is key to a good life.

A true life, beyond the messages thousands of years of civilization have imprinted on the words we use everyday…

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