ΙΧΘΥΣ. Fish extinction. Science as a Religion. Christianism as a… well, NOT a religion.


Scientists predict the extinction of salty water fish by 2048. (1)

Like every new religion, science needs its doom prophecies.
But Christianism did not predict doom.

Like every new religion, science needs to scare people.
But Christianism gave people hope by predicting the coming of Love.

Like every knew religion, it needs to capitalize on death (1, 2).
But Christianism talked only about life.

Like every new religion, science needs to persuade about its usefulness.
But Christianism gave nothing but death to its new followers.

Science is the new religion.
Christianism never was one!

Science predicts the extinction of fish (Gr. “ιχθύς”).

ΙΧΘΥΣ came and saved the world…

Economics, predictions, “predictions”…

Predicting how stock prices will rise or fall, everybody knows, is worth a fortune. Understanding the predictability of stock prices, too, can net you a pretty rich dividend, as Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Schiller can tell you this morning. The three have together won the 2013 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sizes in Memory of Alfred Nobel (informally, the Nobel prize in economics) “for their empirical analysis of asset prices”. (1)

Predicting how stocks will behave, so that all investors buy them and – as a result – make them behave differently.

Power to the people! (or… statistics)

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