Evil Sweden strikes back… (or: How to sterilize “inferior” people)


Sweden had (from 1920s to 1970s) the best eugenics program in the world (i.e. compulsory sterilization of metally diseased, inferior and/ or “impure” citizens et cetera). They even “taught” Hitler, who actually asked for a copy of their eugenics law for his Reich…

Even though many other states had similar eugenica programs (including USA, Switzerland, Denmark etc) Sweden surpassed them all in duration and “quality”. But we shouldn’t be surprised. All these should be obvious, given that Sweden is the most “civilized” state in the world, a role model to which all western countries look up to.

Of course things are better now. Crude eugenics have stopped in order to be replaced with more… noble ones. For example people who wish to change their gender in Sweden (who is advertised as “gay friendly”) must get a divorce and be sterilized in order to be allowed to do so (see here).

The Devil always wears the best suit… Go go Sweden!

Indicative bibliography: 1235678910, 11, 12

PS. And no, this is not the fault of “science”! Unless you believe that the crusades are a fault of religion. But then again, this IS the fault of scientists!


Below you can find a collection of eugenics-related posters or related photos. Not forgetting the past is crucial for our progress as human beings…

Being good means being active. Society went the wrong way because many “decent” people just “did nothing” as some of their fellow humans were suffering. It is not just Hitler who was the bad guy. Sometimes it looks like Hitler was just a patsy for all other “civilized” countries to hide behind…

Open your eyes.

Nobel prizes, literature, ideology, prejudice

Declassified documents of the Swedish Academy for Nobel nominations, show that the quality of ones work is not the sole criterion on which its members decide. During the analysis of the candidates for the year 1962, it is revealed that Graves was rejected (as Schueler revealed) because even though he had written several historical novels, he was still primarily seen as a poet.  Blixen, author of Out of Africa, rendered herself ineligible by dying that September, and it was decided that “Durrell was not to be given preference this year” – probably because “they did not think that The Alexandria Quartet was enough, so they decided to keep him under observation for the future”. Also a candidate in 1961, Durrell had in the previous year been ruled out because he “gives a dubious aftertaste . because of [his] monomaniacal preoccupation with erotic complications”. Committee member Henry Olsson was also reluctant to award any Anglo-Saxon poet the prize before the death of Ezra Pound, believing that other writers did not match up to his mastery; but without wanting to give the prize to Pound since he dismissed him in response to his political stance (something which is just funny for Sweden, which cooperated excellently with Hitler for so many years…). It is not clear why Anouilh was passed over, but the French poet Saint-John Perse had taken the Nobel in 1960, meaning that France was well represented on the roster of winners.

Looks more like an episode from Dynasty huh?

Art is and should be a window to the soul (ars gratia animae). Not a place for political or personal disputes. And if an artist is better than the other, he should be awarded the first prize. His political thoughts have nothing to do with that. Artists were and still are people in the margin of society. Political correctness has no place in their world. And maybe that is why perhaps the best artists are those who deny any prizes at all (or those who do not hunt those prizes).

Not because they do “art for art”. But just because they do NOT CARE at all for what they do. They just do it.

And whetever comes directly from the soul is more likely to be true.

Sweden & the Hypocrisy of “neutral” and “good” countries…

From the FOI ballistic missiles factory (where Sweden secretely helped the Saudi dictatorship create a missile factory) to the TeliaSonera scandal [1] (the Skandinavian company helped former USSR countries spy on their citizens – see also Στρατηγική Ιούλιος 2012), from IKEA and the cooperation with Hitler [Allies trading with Hitler] to Lundin Petroleum [2], from total indifference for immigrants [3] to hardcore anti-immigrant violence [4], from requesting the extradition of Assange [9] to Stieg Larsson and the dark side of the Swedish ideal [5, 6], the good child of Europe has its own scary little secrets.

Hypocrisy is one of the worst sins. As in every aspect of life today, the one who is mostly promoted by the media as “good” is most of the times evil… Sweden, the second last European country, after Albania, to get free radio, in 1993 [7], is the best example of state-controlled “hapiness”.

Remember citizens! The state knows better than you.

“All” you have to do is pay taxes and let nuclear waste be placed near your home [8]…

Obey. Stop thinking. You live in the paradise now!!!

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