Predict what is not…

Artificial neural networks – algorithms inspired by connections in the brain – have ‘learned’ to perform a variety of tasks, from pedestrian detection in self-driving cars, to analyzing medical images, to translating languages. Now, researchers are training artificial neural networks to predict new stable materials. (1)

Using an unstable network. To predict the existence of stability.

For what is will always be. And only what is not can ever detect it.

Through eternity the specks of present pass by.

Making it shine through the aeons…

Walking dead (fossils)… Elusive silent world…

Using the fossil record to accurately estimate the timing and pace of past mass extinctions is no easy task, and a new study highlights how fossil evidence can produce a misleading picture if not interpreted with care.

Florida Museum of Natural History researchers used a series of 130-foot cores drilled from the Po Plain in northeastern Italy to test a thought experiment: Imagine catastrophe strikes the Adriatic Sea, swiftly wiping out modern marine life. Could this hypothetical mass extinction be reconstructed correctly from mollusks – hard-shelled animals such as oysters and mussels – preserved in these cores?

When they examined the cores, the results were “somewhat unnerving”, said Michal Kowalewski, Thompson Chair of Invertebrate Paleontology and the study’s principal investigator.

Taken at face value, the cores presented a dramatically distorted record of both the timing and tempo of extinction, potentially calling into question some of the methods paleontologists commonly use to interpret past mass extinctions.

“[…] the nature of the geological record is complicated, so it is not trivial to decipher it correctly.” Kowalewski said. Many parameters, like by species’ ecological preferences, sea level and the makeup of sedimentary basins, could skew patterns of mass extinction. (1)

Always in motion is the past.

Making the future hard to grasp.

A future always in turmoil.

Making the past difficult to see.

At the end, we always experience the “now”.

A “now” locked in the whirlwinds of existence.

What a strange cosmos.

Always moving.

A blur in the background of nothingness.

Almost as if it doesn’t want to be seen…

Quantum mechanics. Time. Causality. Irrational. Hiding the meaning of life…

Watch a movie backwards and you’ll likely get confused – but a quantum computer wouldn’t. That’s the conclusion of researcher Mile Gu at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University and collaborators.

In research published in Physical Review X, the international team showed that a quantum computer is less in thrall to the arrow of time than a classical computer. In some cases, it is as if the quantum computer doesn’t need to distinguish between cause and effect at all.

The new work is inspired by an influential discovery (known as causal asymmetry) made almost ten years ago by complexity scientists James Crutchfield and John Mahoney at the University of California, Davis. They showed that many statistical data sequences will have a built-in arrow of time. An observer who sees the data played from beginning to end, like the frames of a movie, can model what comes next using only a modest amount of memory about what occurred before. An observer who tries to model the system in reverse has a much harder task – potentially needing to track orders of magnitude more information.

“If causal asymmetry is only found in classical models, it suggests our perception of cause and effect, and thus time, can emerge from enforcing a classical explanation on events in a fundamentally quantum world”, researchers say. (1)

Look at the cosmos through the lenses of the irrational.

And you will discover a thrilling new perspective.

You are seeing…

Because you used to be blind…

You are alive…

Because you were dead…

You do exist.

Only because you never did…

You are everything.

Just because there is nothing…

Closer. Less time…

A new study that reconstructs the deep history of our planet’s relationship to the moon shows that 1.4 billion years ago, a day on Earth lasted just over 18 hours. This is at least in part because the moon was closer and changed the way the Earth spun around its axis. (1)

Closer to the moon. The clock ticking.

Passing through a black hole. The clock stopping.

Next to a beautiful woman. Not caring if you have a clock or not.

Alone with yourself. Smiling.

Now you see.

The woman does have a watch.

Time is ticking.

She passes through the black hole.

Sitting next to you.

Watching the moon together…

Eternal recurrence… Cycles… Dasein into nothingness…

It is one of the most astonishing results of physics: when a complex system is left alone, it will return to its initial state with almost perfect precision.

Gas particles, for example, chaotically swirling around in a container, will return almost exactly to their starting positions after some time. This “Poincaré Recurrence Theorem” is the foundation of modern chaos theory. For decades, scientists have investigated how this theorem can be applied to the world of quantum physics. Recently, researchers at TU Wien (Vienna) successfully demonstrated a kind of “Poincaré recurrence” in a multi-particle quantum system. The results have been published in the journal Science. (1)

The world moves in cycles.

What is, will once be again.

What is not, never was.

The world moves in cycles.

But not great cycles.

Take a step back and look again.

We are spinning on a single point.

Fierce dancers we are.

Balancing on nothingness…

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