(Modern) Slavery…

People bound to their relationships.

Doing things just to please others.

Employees tired to their employers.

Doing things just to satisfy them.

Managers enslaved to their customers.

Adhering to whatever they say as long as they are happy.

CEOs enslaved to their shareholders.

Making everything possible to make them happy.

People bound to their desires and wishes.

Selling their own soul to satisfy themselves.

A cosmos enslaved to progress.

Doing things just to do things.

Look beyond what you see. Search your soul. You used to have a soul remember? Trace back your footsteps. Back to your home. To a place where your were loved. Recall your happiness. When you were in Paradise along with God.

Oppressed and enslaved by the only thing that could enslave you…

Look in the mirror.

Can you still see yourself without crying?


Why did you not finish that report yet?!

Sorry boss…

(Why am I smiling?)

Work hard, but for what? Psychology guide for modern workers.

Modern-day people work hard. They have to meet deadlines. They have to deal with pressure. They have to deal with crazy demands, to meet insane requirements, to deliver crazy delivarables. How can someone cope with all these without having to go to the psychiatrist?

Well, philosophy is always a much better medicine than anything else. Just think from a different perspective: You do not want to fail, that is why you are so anxious. You want to succeed in your goals. But what will happen if you succeed? Will you earn more recognition? So what? If the recognition by yourself is not enough, then even the recognition of one billion people won’t do. Would your success earn you more money? Well, if that solves your problems, then you are no more human than a… rock. And at the end it would not be nihillistic but rather realistic to state the obvious: you ARE going to die some day. And even though I have stressed more than once the importance of remembering this simple fact every day, in this case I have to say it once more. Failure is not “bad” in the same way death is not “bad”. Life is life. And life is not just “being able to meet the deadline or else I will be dead”! Everything that does not kill you makes you stronger. But… wait a minute! I just remembered one thing! We WILL die after all! 🙂

The word “work” is called “δουλειά” in Greek, the mother of all languages. And “δουλειά” is derrived from “δουλεία” (only difference the tone in a different letter), which means “slavery”. Who want to be a good slave?


Close your eyes. Imagine yourself one minute before dying, surrounded by the people you love. Honestly think for yourself: at this precious moment, would you really think of what makes you now anxious and stressed, as one of the most important things in your life? Most probable not.

Take a step back. Look things from a different perspective.

Modern slaves (i.e. us) mocking ancient slaves…

We all today feel “sorry” about the slaves in the ancient years. However we always forget that almost all of us are some kind of modern slaves, working many hours per day under extreme pressure and missing the really important things of our lives in order to catch up with reports and deadlines. It is really hard to acknowledge that thousands of years of civilization brought no progress is some fields…

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