Category: Memory

  • Edibile knowledge…

    Planarian “cannibal” worms eating other trained planarian worms, learn much faster how to behave under certain conditions than other worms who did not eat trained worms! It is like the knowledge of the eaten ones is transferred to the cannibals! (1, 2 – see file “McConnell 1962 _ Planarian worms”, 3) This is the startling conclusion…

  • False memories. Forget them!

    A study suggests we’re all susceptible to false memories. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focused on people with highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM), who are able to recall highly specific facts about their lives, like what they ate for lunch, going all the way back to their childhood.…

  • The human Memory problem.

    We may think we know where memory is stored, but we do not. Science has not figured that out yet. We have pinpointed areas of the brain which play a ROLE in the memory formation/ management (like the hippocampus), but we do not know the EXACT place where memories are stored. [see. Francis Crick, “Memory…

  • Old data, long gone…

    The older the raw data, the harder it is to get your hands on. That’s the perhaps-not-unsurprising message of a new study by a group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists, who set out to track down the authors of 516 papers published between 2 and 22 years ago. In 167 papers published before 2000, 38%…

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