Category: Physics

  • Ghost images. Glows. At the corners of the universe…

    A team of physicists at The Australian National University (ANU) has used a technique known as ‘ghost imaging’ to create an image of an object from atoms that never interact with it. Lead researcher Associate Professor Andrew Truscott from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering (RSPE) said the experiment relied on correlated pairs…

  • Memories. For ever (changing)…

    Conventional memories used in today’s computers only differentiate between the bit values 0 and 1. In quantum physics, however, arbitrary superpositions of these two states are possible. Most of the ideas for new quantum technology devices rely on this “Superposition Principle”. One of the main challenges in using such states is that they are usually…

  • Weak. Strong. A weird relationship… (Yes, the weak control the strong)

    A new study reports that researchers have demonstrated a way to control light with light using one third – in some cases, even less – of the energy typically required. The advancement, coupled with other developments, could ultimately lead to more powerful, energy-efficient computer chips and other optics-based technologies. “Typically, symmetry connotes harmony and beauty.…

  • Time crystals. In a timeless world…

    It may sound like science fiction, but it’s not: Scientists have created the first time crystal, using a chain of ions. Just as a standard crystal repeats in a regular spatial pattern, a time crystal repeats in time, returning to a similar configuration at regular intervals. (1) Crystals developing in time. Over and over again.…

  • Words. Making the world collapse…

    Physicists have a habit of depicting their discipline as “beautiful” or “elegant”, where an outsider might be forgiven for seeing no more than an endless morass of equations. In an ideal world, those equations would be unnecessary; the ultimate goal of physics – and science generally – is to describe the world as simply as…

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