Month: November 2012

  • Back to mobiles with buttons… Back to PHONES….

    I recently went back to using a mobile phone with good old-fashioned buttons. No touch screen! And it seems as if I got my phone back! It is not that I am old fashioned. I am using computers since I was 8 years old, have programmed since Commodore and I still do. I have used…

  • First gene therapy approved… First? Nuh…

    World media celebrate the first gene therapy approved by the European Medicines Agency, a decision which will open the way for more personalized treatments adjusted to each patient’s needs. [1, 2, 3] However reading below the headlines reveals another truth. This is not the first gene therapy approved after all: the Chinese had approved a…

  • Dawkins, atheism and the right to be “right”…

    Richard Dawkins created a whole new wave of pro-Religion thinking and writting. His polemic attitude woke up many people who believed in humans not being just bones and blood and made them take the path of expressing their beliefs publickly. And guess what. He struck again! 🙂 Dawkins recently said that “Ignorance is no crime.…

  • New Star Wars episode, Light, Dark, Balance…

    Grand Admiral Thrawn is what the next episode of Star Wars saga needs. Exclusive information Harmonia Philosphica has, refer to the successor of Grand Moff Tarkin (you know… the guy who gave orders to Darth Vader) and how he will be the next great “evil” in a galaxy far far away…  And he is most…

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