Bored of success!? Embrace your failed self!

Modern societies celebrate success.

Every day we look at news about successful football players, about successful managers or entrepreneurs, about successful parents, about successful models. Our feed in social media is flooded with success stories about how people wrote the next best book, how someone invented the next big thing, how someone wrote the next best paper or had another great success in whatever sector he or she is working in.

Yet, not everyone is successfull.

Not everything is a success.

And I am not talking about that known meme showing how every great success has a background of many failures until it is manifested. Sure this is the case with every success. I am talking about failures that are not a prelude to success. I am referring to failures that are just… failures.

Life is full of those.

My life. Your life.

Everyone’s life.

And yet we live every day as if these failures do not exist. We always long for the great success. We always see every failure as something that we should ignore, simply because it is a preface to something greater that will come along. Yet, life is cruel. Life is what life is. Full of pain, misery and bad things.

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What we need to do is embrace all these.

And love.

And cry,

And laugh.

There is no rule telling that we need to always fly.

We crawl in the ground sometimes.

But it may be there. With our hands full of dirt.

That the world will whisper.

(There is no need to despair…)

We fail.

We feel pain.


Life is terror.

Life is dark.

Not accepting that would be a failure.

The ocean will carry you away.

Even though you may manage to swim for a long way.

Now, as you drown…

You understand.

Successes just made you miss the essence of the dark sea.

Near the bottom.

You will find solace in knowing that you tried to swim.

Never mind of all those people on the surface.

We all die.

(We will all fail…)

Knowing your limits. Knowing thyself.

Loving life.

That is the only way we can prevail…

(Be afraid of the light)

It will prevent you from seeing things in the mirror of life.

Love your failures.

It is only in the darkness that you can know what you stand for tonight…

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