Category: Humans

  • A story told…

    Meteorites tell story of Mars’ water history. (1) But who else can tell your story? But someone else? You cannot ever know thyself. Except those who see you. And when they do, they will tell it to someone else. And you will be liberated. From the burden of Being. And you will be liberated. From…

  • AI not explaining it self… Scary AI… Scary humans…

    AI not explaining it self… Scary AI… Scary humans…

    Upol Ehsan once took a test ride in an Uber self-driving car. Instead of fretting about the empty driver’s seat, anxious passengers were encouraged to watch a “pacifier” screen that showed a car’s-eye view of the road: hazards picked out in orange and red, safe zones in cool blue. For Ehsan, who studies the way…

  • Finding your way…

    A team at Facebook AI has created a reinforcement learning algorithm that lets a robot find its way in an unfamiliar environment without using a map. (1) Finding your way without a map. Is there any other way? With a map, you will always return at home. But what is home? Were you not born…

  • Faster than light… So?

    Faster than light… So?

    Faster-than-light speeds could be why gamma-ray bursts seem to go backwards in time. (1) Amazing. Isn’t it? But wait a minute. If gamma rays can do that, then why are we so keen on doing the same? And what is more… Why are we so keen on doing something that common matter can do? Do…

  • Chairs into tables…

    Chairs into tables…

    Turning a chair into a table, or vice versa, might sound like somewhat of a magic trick. In this case, zero magic is involved, just plenty of complex geometry and machine learning. Called LOGAN, the deep neural network, i.e., a machine of sorts, can learn to transform the shapes of two different objects, for example,…

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