Category: Mind Philosophy

  • Aging…


    Zachariah Reagh, assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis found that brain activity in older adults isn’t necessarily quieter when it comes to memory. “It’s just different,” he said. What he found out is that while a 20-year-old notes all details in a movie, an…

  • Enhance!


    Since the early 1930s, electron microscopy has provided unprecedented access to the alien world of the extraordinarily small, revealing intricate details that are otherwise impossible to discern with conventional light microscopy. But to achieve high resolution over a large specimen area, the energy of the electron beams needs to be cranked up, which is costly…

  • Is AI conscious? Google Bard answers…

    The quest for developing an Artificial Intelligence program/ machine that is conscious like us, is the holy grail of modern computer science. And for some, this is the major goal of science as a whole; humans being creators of conscious life. At last humans becoming gods in the place of God we ourselves killed. But…

  • Observe.

    A new device enables researchers to observe hundreds of neurons in the brain in real-time. The system is based on modified silicon chips from cameras, but rather than taking a picture, it takes a movie of the neural electrical activity. (1) Once a man tried to observe the cosmos. And he cannot stop ever since.…

  • Awareness.


    A research indicates that trees might be ‘aware’ of their size: Scientists found out that birch trees adjust their stem thickness to support their weight. (1) We hold our consciousness so high. Never have we thought to look down to the dirt. Never have we thought that this might be the lowest of the possible…

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