Tag: death

  • Death from the sky. Life from below…

    Death from the sky. Life from below…

    Although tales of people being killed by meteorite impacts date back to biblical times. But few deaths, if any, have been documented. Turkish researchers uncovered the earliest evidence that a meteorite killed one man and paralyzed another when it slammed into a hilltop in what is now Iraq in August 1888. Documents chronicling the event…

  • Old forts… New battles…

    Old forts… New battles…

    Archaeologists verify Florida’s Mound Key as location of elusive Spanish fort: Florida and Georgia archaeologists have discovered the location of Fort San Antón de Carlos, home of one of the first Jesuit missions in North America. The Spanish fort was built in 1566 in the capital of the Calusa, the most powerful Native American tribe…

  • Die. It is for my own good.

    Some worms are genetically predisposed to die before reaching old age, which appears to benefit the colony by reducing food demand, finds a new study. (1) Dying. For the sake of others. Why don’t you die? Do you wish to live? Unknown darkness. Dictating light. Unknown terror. Dictating pleasure. Petty humans. Living. For the sake…

  • I don’t want to be 8…

    A child crying… Because her birthday is coming… And she does not want to become 9… She wants to stay 8 for ever… Oh, dear child. Listen to me. You will be a child for ever. As your mom and me. Don’t be fooled by the aging skin. Or the tired eyes. Inside the soul,…

  • What is life?

    If not an invitation to dying? What is death? If not a call to being alive? Seek the truth in the irrational. Where nothing depends on anything. And the trees are the river. Flowing freely. Towards a place with no time…

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