Tag: technology

  • Ceramic, hi-tech materials, the essence of progress…

    Ceramic is more hi-tech than we imagine. Its technology could be used for spacecrafts in the future with much better results than the current “advanced” materials we now have. (1) What we consider “advanced” is not. What we consider “old” we will some day call it “new” again. Any progress moves us away from where…

  • Robots. Words. Egoism.

    Automation [CPU-based supercomputers] is not the same as autonomy [GPU-based supercomputers], according to the experts in AI. (1) Words conveying meaning we have chosen to accept as true – without realizing it. Autonomy. Automation. But “autonomy” FROM WHO? Automation (2) for WHO to control what? A subject is always hidden behind anything seemingly objective. Behind…

  • Creator. Creation. AI.

    Admiring how AI creates video games. But it is not actually “creation”, but re-creation based on human made rules. (1) When are we going to stop fooling our selves? Artificial Intelligence is not what we imagined it to be. It is more a “product of our intelligence”, rather than Intelligence. And it will keep be…

  • WWW is broken. Please contact your administrator.

    The first signs of Internet fragmentation are beginning to show, after the NSA hacks became public. (1) Seeing the Internet as a way to communicate instead of just a means to facilitate communication is the first step towards miscommunication. It may sound weird, but one thing ancient people had better than us was communication. Real…

  • Bark! Bark! (Admitting your limits)

    A dog thought-to-speech device! The future! Technology! Hip Scandinavians! A thing that translates your dog’s thoughts into people-speak! Open up your check-book and post-date one for The Future! But wait. Isn’t there something missing in the promotional video? Something important? Right. It doesn’t show a real demonstration. (1) “What I saw in their video can’t…

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