Tag: thinking

  • Learn how to think.

    An article in BBC concerning the teaching of philosophy in French schools. The author honestly speaking his heart out: “If you learn about what Kant or Spinoza once said, it is not so much to understand their argument as to use their argument”. [1] Wow. Not THIS is what I call teaching at its best!…

  • Go fail!

    It is really astonishing how humanity insists on forgetting the fruitful role of failure in our lives. We actually tend to believe that success happens just out of the blue: a person thinks of something innovative and he then materializes it. It’s all a happy story. As simple as that. That person managed to be…

  • Thinking of bad things…

    Is it bad to think of bad things (but not do them) ? Is there a fundamental different between thinking and doing? (if yes, would that mean that someone who does something bad but thinks of something good while doing it, is exonerated?) How can one take control of his own bad thoughts before they…

  • Emoto, rice and how Thinking formulates Reality

    Emoto, rice and how Thinking formulates Reality

    Masaru Emoto conducted an experiment with rice: Boil rice and put some rice in two jars. Put a label “I hate you” on one jar and a label “I love you” on the other. Then every day and for 30 seconds, open each jar and start talking to the rice inside – repeat “I love…

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