Category: Chaos and Order

  • (Mechanical) Cockroaches. Exploring. Becoming alive…

    New research from North Carolina State University offers insights into how far and how fast cyborg cockroaches – or biobots – move when exploring new spaces. The work moves researchers closer to their goal of using biobots to explore collapsed buildings and other spaces in order to identify survivors. Researchers introduced biobots into a circular…

  • Chickens. Chaos. Order.

    The unusual arrangement of cells in a chicken’s eye constitutes the first known biological occurrence of a potentially new state of matter known as “disordered hyperuniformity,” according to researchers from Princeton University and Washington University in St. Louis. Research in the past decade has shown that disordered hyperuniform materials have unique properties when it comes…

  • Balancing Jack…

    He can balance whatever you can think of. Only because he has patience. (1, 2) Balance sometimes seems nothing BUT inherently “natural”… Sometimes you need to make great efforts to achieve it… Could chaos be the natural order of the cosmos? PS. And no, I could not help but think that this is just another…

  • A world of Violence, a world of Chaos, Order!

    A world of Violence, a world of Chaos, Order!

    Sun, our star. An ancient god that illuminates our world. A place of constant change, where extreme temperatures and magnetic fields give birth to balls of plasma the size of Earth. A place where nuclear explosions are business as usual, where the violence of physical phenomena is the norm. But even this world of chaos…

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