Category: Happiness

  • Seek routine. Seek happiness.

    Modern day people seek more action. More adventure. More thrills. But Yoda said it eloquently… Adventure! Huh! Excitement! Huh! A Jedi craves not these things… An interview of Archbishop Demetrios in 2011 regarding anxiety, unemployment, and old-fashioned Truth which is drowned out by the contemporary influx of information. Feeling overwhelmed? Could routine and structure be…

  • Words. Languages. The bright side of life. Is there such?

    Arabic movie subtitles, Korean tweets, Russian novels, Chinese websites, English lyrics, and even the war-torn pages of the New York Times — research examining billions of words, shows that these sources — and all human language — skews toward the use of happy words. This Big Data study confirms the 1969 Pollyanna Hypothesis that there…

  • Pain. How can you live without it?

    Is pain something positive or not? [1] Try to feel a moment of happiness. Without being unhappy. And you will see it is impossible.

  • Happy new year, with disease and misery!

    Most of us do not want to be reminded of the basic element of life. For all of you that had the courage to continue reading this wire despite its despicable title, I have one reminder: health is overrated! We do not know what Life is. And yet we are afraid of not-living. We do…

  • ASMR; Being; Non-thinking.

    A few months ago, STEPHANIE FAIRYINGTON was on a Manhattan-bound D train heading to work when a man with a chunky, noisy newspaper got on and sat next to her. As she watched him softly turn the pages of his paper, a chill spread like carbonated bubbles through the back of her head, instantly relaxing…

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