Category: logos

  • Speaking AI… Silent logos…

    Speaking AI… Silent logos…

    North Carolina State University researchers have developed a framework for building deep neural networks via grammar-guided network generators. In experimental testing, the new networks (called AOGNets) have outperformed existing state-of-the-art frameworks, including the widely-used ResNet and DenseNet systems, in visual recognition tasks. “AOGNets have better prediction accuracy than any of the networks we’ve compared it…

  • Brain. Seeing. Not speaking.

    Brain. Seeing. Not speaking.

    Brain region discovered that only processes spoken, not written words. Patients in a new study were able to comprehend words that were written but not said aloud. They could write the names of things they saw but not verbalize them. For instance, if a patient in the study saw the word ‘hippopotamus’ written on a…

  • Listening to words…

    Listening to words…

    For humans to achieve accurate speech recognition and communicate with one another, the auditory system must recognize distinct categories of sounds – such as words – from a continuous incoming stream of sounds. This task becomes complicated when considering the variability in sounds produced by individuals with different accents, pitches, or intonations. In a new…

  • Μπορείς να με καταλάβεις;

    Μπορείς να με καταλάβεις;

    As two people speak, their brains begin to work simultaneously, synchronizing and establishing a unique bond. This is what in neuroscience is called brain synchronization. New research by the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL) in San Sebastián and published in Cortex magazine confirms that this phenomenon depends on the language we use…

  • Creating with style…

    In search of inspiration for improving computer-based text translators, researchers at Dartmouth College turned to the Bible for guidance. The result is an algorithm trained on various versions of the sacred texts that can convert written works into different styles for different audiences. Internet tools to translate text between languages like English and Spanish are…

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