Category: Time

  • Time. Universe. Timeless…

    Time. Universe. Timeless…

    According to a new interpretation of general relativity, the Big Bang wasn’t the start of ‘everything’. Based on a new model, some scientists showed that as we rewind time back to the beginning the universe does not diminish into a singularity, but at something the team call a Janus Point, named after the Roman god…

  • Time… Past…

    The enemy of time is the Past… The enemy of the past is Time…

  • Telling time…

    Telling time…

    In music, sports and other activities, we calculate movement in two different parts of the brain: One type of anticipatory timing relies on memories from past experiences. The other on rhythm. Both are critical to our ability to navigate and enjoy the world, and scientists have found they are handled in two different parts of…

  • Predict what is not…

    Artificial neural networks – algorithms inspired by connections in the brain – have ‘learned’ to perform a variety of tasks, from pedestrian detection in self-driving cars, to analyzing medical images, to translating languages. Now, researchers are training artificial neural networks to predict new stable materials. (1) Using an unstable network. To predict the existence of…

  • Walking dead (fossils)… Elusive silent world…

    Using the fossil record to accurately estimate the timing and pace of past mass extinctions is no easy task, and a new study highlights how fossil evidence can produce a misleading picture if not interpreted with care. Florida Museum of Natural History researchers used a series of 130-foot cores drilled from the Po Plain in…

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