Tarantulas… Colours… Evolution… Destiny…


Tarantulas have evolved almost exactly the same shade of vibrant blue at least eight separate times. (1) If time does not exist, is anything happening now NOT defined by what happened in the past and by what WILL happen in the future? Can things happen in any other way? Like tarantulas evolving the same colour over and over again, can we escape our destiny if it has already happened?

Non magnetism. Magnetism. Unicorn.

Scientists have demonstrated for the first time how to generate magnetism in metals that aren’t naturally magnetic, which could end our reliance on some rare and toxic elements currently used. Researchers detail a way of altering the quantum interactions of matter in order to ‘fiddle the numbers’ in a mathematical equation that determines whether elements are magnetic, called the Stoner Criterion. (1)

Everything can be anything.

Anything can be transformed to anything.

You can be anything if you aren’t already that something.

The potential for every change exists in everything.

Transformation is possible only because it has already happened.

Look around.

See the unicorn.

PS. Regardless of the above philosophy-oriented post, unicorns do exist. Check this article here. Because the ancients did not waste time or valuable resources to write or speak about things that did not exist. This is a more modern ‘hobby’…

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Quantum computers. Environment. Memories. Stability. (through change)

Before the dream of quantum computing is realized, a number of inherent problems must first be solved. One of these is the ability to maintain a stable memory system that overcomes the intrinsic instability of the basic unit of information in quantum computing – the quantum bit or “qubit”. To address this problem, Physicists working at the University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley) claim to have created breakthrough circuitry that continuously self-checks for inaccuracies to consistently maintain the error-free status of the quantum memory.

Vulnerability to environmentally-induced error – such as cosmic ray events or simply an unknown collapse of quantum coherence, for example – means that the information contained in a qubit is easily lost. And because of the nature of of quantum entanglement required to encode the qubit in the first place, any attempt to replicate the information will also immediately destabilize it. (1)

The environment changes constantly. And yet we believe that memory is based on a stable environment we are certain it exists. We try to be Gods in the cosmos. By altering the nature of the cosmos. We are afraid of change and yet change is what keeps everything unaltered. Everything possible. Everything different. Where else can that be possible, if not in an ever stable cosmos? Try to make things stop changing and you will put the universe in motion.

Stop and look around.

The world is spinning.

Try to stop it.

And everything will fall apart…

Changing perception. [Crazy]

Things change. Many people are afraid of change. But if you think it is something you may count on, then it looks like comfort. [Madison’s bridges]

Death is the end of life. Many people are afraid of death.
We think death as a scary skeleton with a scythe.
But if you think death as a wonderful woman, then it would not look so scary.

Change your perception of things.
By applying pure will.
And you will see them differently.

It is so obvious and real that it sounds absurd…

Stable mind. Unstable mind. Learning. Being.

Mathematical model shows how brain remains stable during learning.

Complex biochemical signals that coordinate fast and slow changes in neuronal networks keep the brain in balance during learning, according to an international team of scientists. Neuronal networks form a learning machine that allows the brain to extract and store new information from its surroundings via the senses. Researchers have long puzzled over how the brain achieves sensitivity and stability to unexpected new experiences during learning – two seemingly contradictory requirements. (1)

Our minds change. And yet you are constantly you.
We conctantly change. And yet we remain the same.
The world gradually changes. And it’s laws and structure remains the same.
In the chaos order is inherently there.
In our mind you are constantly there.

We exist through our mind.
We think through our mind.
We see through our mind.
And yet we insist on seeing through our eyes.

Oh how have we been misled by our trickster senses…

How much do we need to follow the example of Democritus…

PS. Myth says that Democritus pulled how own eyes off so that we would not be misled by his senses.

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