Tag: language

  • The Pope, an announcement in Latin, ancient knowledge…

    The Pope announced his resignation in Latin. Not just written Latin. He also SPOKE Latin in the meeting with the Cardinals. [source 1=”<a” href=”http://news.yahoo.com/pope-resign-feb-28-says-hes-too-infirm-115602824.html&#8221; 2=”target="_blank">Yahoo!” 3=”News</a>” language=”:”][/source] And this is not the first time Latin (an otherwise thought “dead” language) the Popse uses Latin. He recently used Latin to make a Tweet! (see here) Even…

  • Harmonia Philosophica kick ass

    A phrase which makes you understand you are in the 21st century. Kick Ass! [1] Say it out loud. Even presidents do! Its even in the movies headlines! Language is evolving. And so do we. Less gentle. More vulgar. Or just less hypocritic? This is who we are becoming. Harmonia Philosophica kick ass!

  • Ancient Greek Translation, Heidegger, Plato…

    Ancient Greek Translation, Heidegger, Plato…

    Writing means putting your thoughts into a specific framework designed by others. You must use the words and structure invented for the specific language of your choice and your ideas must be changed so as to adapt to that framework. Heidegger himself was terrified even at the thought of how much information modern day philosophers…

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