We, Sisyphus, Technology…

Like Sisyphus we struggle every day with technology.

New technologies to solve problems, only to discover that new problems have risen, that need new technologies to be solved et cetera, et cetera…

When will we realize that these are not even the problems that matter?

> Help translate the Harmonia Philosophica book in 6 new languages and get valuable perks in return! Support the Indiegogo project now!

Cells moving… So what?!?

With a custom-built 3-D printer, scientists have created networks of water droplets bound together with a cell-like lipid layer. Altering the concentration of chemicals in the droplets prompts water to move from the blue to the yellow part of the network, spurring curving. In that way the cells seem to resemble skin cells functions, “mimicking life” according to the article. [1]

But is life only chemistry and movement? Is a moving rock “alive”?

We are lost in our assumptions.

We must forget what “life” is in order to truly understand it…

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