Category: One

  • universe functioning perfectly_

    I feel the universe functioning perfectly, but I’m still perfectly locked inside myself. Instead of oneness, I feel total isolation.

  • Cosmos inherent instability, Multiple universes, One…

    Scientists say they may be able to determine the eventual fate of the cosmos as they probe the properties of the Higgs boson. A concept known as vacuum instability could result, billions of years from now, in a new universe opening up in the present one and replacing it, due to quantum fluctuations that will make…

  • Sand, antiphasis, duality, One…

    Sand can both run through an hourglass like a liquid and be solid enough to support buildings. A new research tries to understand how that can be possible. [1] From sand, to humans (good and bad character in the same person), to atoms (superposition of different states), everything seems to exhibit dual antiphatic behaviours… As…

  • Pigeons, Ithaka, weird tales…

    The mystery of the “Bermuda Triangle” of the homing pigeon world may have been solved. For years, scientists have been baffled as to why the usually excellent navigators get lost when released from a particular site in New York State. The puzzle of the vanishing pigeons began in the 1960s. Professor Bill Keeton from Cornell…

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