Tag: learning

  • Tortoises. Heart. Brain.

    Tortoises are using their cleverness to do more than just win long distance races against hares–now they’re moving into the field of touchscreen technology. Researchers from the U.K.’s University of Lincoln have successfully trained four red-footed tortoises (native to Central and South America) to touch different objects on a screen. In a video from the…

  • Sleep tight. Learn. Remember…

    Rest easy after learning a new skill. Experiments in mice suggest that a good night’s sleep helps us lay down memories by promoting the growth of new connections between brain cells. Neuroscientists believe that memory involves the modification of synapses, which connect brain cells, and numerous studies published over the past decade have shown that sleep…

  • Learning.

    Are your lectures droning on? Change it up every 10 minutes with more active teaching techniques and more students will succeed, researchers say. A new study finds that undergraduate students in classes with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so-called active learning methods.…

  • Pills, language tests, state control. Just… f*%$#CK everyone! (materialism included)

    Until recently, it’s been used exclusively in U.S. government agencies and military schools. But now, a test for how easily a person will become fluent in a foreign language could be made available for civilians. Nautilus – the site where the article appeared – calls the test “one of the first civilian benefits to come…

  • Transplants, wisdom, (un)learning…

    There’s a better way to deal with rejection. People who have received a donor organ need to take a host of toxic drugs to stop their immune system attacking it. Soon they might just have their immune system rebooted – making it accept the new organ. (1) Your body shows the way into enlightenment. Unlearn…

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